By: Sarah J Preston owner/executive artist HIFI Art Express
Starting a business? Deciding on starting a business is always a wonderful idea. You have a vision and a goal and you're ready to set forth and take action and your off to the races. But what if there is no finish line? Are you ready to build a fortress that lasts forever? Here's some guidance on building a legacy made of love, sweat, tears with a rollover effect that will last your children and so forth...
First of all, my friend, its called passion! Passion is the fire in your heart, mind and spirit that keeps you going. No matter what anyone says, because there will be naysayers, you will keep going no matter what beacause of___________________... I let you fill in the blanks! Its best to know what is keeping you motivated. Make a motivations list of a few reasons why you love what you do, so if a dry period comes or even better... a money storm and God makes it rain on your business, you will keep going and you will save some of the money for you and to help your family, buy yourself some new tings and to reinvest & re up. That my friend is longevity.
Another thing is, ask yourself how your business truly benefits others at its emotional core to understand your market. You may do nails and hair for example, of course you will better your status, but how will you help in the market where one just desires to make themselves feel better & more attractive? You could start a campaign about "Self love" or "Independant women". Meet up with your business market by being a part of a movement, be a part of a purposeful legacy that gives to the people and feeds them the intellectual food in between life and times, based off your own understanding & experience.
So ask yourself, what are we doing this for again? Remind yourself your business if for you & the people you are marketing your business to & Once you find the answer, you will see the Universe will begin to support you 100% and if no one believes in you, know that God does & You'll see long term...
Highest Regards,
Sarah J. Preston Owner/executive artist of HIFI Art Express
